We aim to bring innovative and sustainable technologies to developing countries. Today the technology is available and our aim is to bring it to all with the objective to have an impact on the environment and on the population. We believe that Green energy, access to clean water and waste management are key to a sustainable development. We have to think ahead in order to make a better future for the generations to come. Together, innovative technologies, financial institutions, government, let’s move on the right direction to make a better world.
We think green
Global Development Partnership - for sustainable development
GDP aim is to support governments and local communities in setting up sustainable development projects. Projects with the long-term wellbeing of the population and the country in mind. We help to identify needs, assess solutions and bring together cost-effective engineering and financing operators. We follow projects from initial sketches to commissioning including auditing.
GDP works closely with governments, local authorities and NGOs to implement sustainable solutions for renewable energy, waste management, water supply and treatment. We are in exclusive partnership with some of the best engineering companies working in our domains. We also have a good network of private and corporate investors.
GDP is committed to the lifetime of each individual project. We will always set up a local office or partnership to support our project through their lifetime. By encouraging our engineering partners to have a local representation, we make sure follow up maintenance and parts are always within reach. We also will make sure that local labour and skills are involved in the project at all stages. The ultimate aim is the gradual transfer of technology to local operators